Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Random entries from the road. . .

So I'm traveling in Arizona this week. Arrived Monday and spent the night in Phoenix - drove to Tucson on Tues - back to Phoenix today - home tomorrow. Eating really crappy food on Monday en route resulted in two full days of an "upset tummy" (yes, we have young children!) and no sleep. Said tummy is feeling much better this evening, so I'm hoping that a good nights rest is soon to follow.

In the meantime, a potpourri of thoughts and catching up.

1) many thanks to Tim and Arby for not only great comments to my "open question" post, but for linking to it on their blogs and driving their multitude of faithful readers to my humble site. Perhaps they'll return. Tim and Arby both said awfully nice things about me in their posts, provoking an immense "aw shucks" from me. Really, I'm truly touched.

2) said posts, and large amounts of "lying awake in the middle of the night" have generated thoughts about this whole concept of building "virtual friendships". I've never met Tim, but through our respective posts we've figured out we have a frightening amount in common, to the point that we refer to each other as our "doppelganger". Likewise with Arby, whom I have a tremendous amount of respect for as he is a stay-at-home dad and homeschooler while his wife is preparing to deploy to Iraq as a civilian contractor. Anyway, this whole concept of building friendships with people you've never may (and likely never will, in person) is really odd. What does it say about our society that I know more about a guy in the central valley of California whom I've never met than some of the dads on my son's soccer team?

3) on a much lighter note, the new appliances arrive tomorrow. I'll be sure to post pictures of the finished result. I know you're waiting anxiously.

Good night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There are five billion people on this planet. If I know 250 of them personally, that would be a lot. Without the internet, all of the people with whom I correspond would be non-existent in my world. Instead, I have come to know many people who would otherwise have been perfect strangers. That is reward enough for blogging to a humble audience of 25 regular readers. Through blogging, I have come to know people who are funny, smart, decent, honest, God-fearing, God-loving people who do their best to provide for their families. I have come to know the back-bone of America, the people who make this country work. Virtual? Just a term. I enjoy the contact immensely.