Monday, June 16, 2008

Out of the (blog) office notice. . .

I'm off tomorrow morning at 0-dark: 30 for another trip to Phoenix. My guess is that, since it's the middle of June, it's going to be hot at blue blazes there. Why do I go to Minneapolis in February and Phoenix in June? Oh well, at least it's a "dry heat".

Yes, the internet has made it to Phoenix, so no, there is no excuse for a dearth of blogging this week. After-all, what else is there to do in the evenings from one's hotel room, especially now that "American Idol" is over and "24" won't be on until next January? I'll try to chime in, but I make no promises.

Live from North Georgia, where the weather is beautiful and the children are brilliant and well-behaved.


1 comment:

Big Doofus (Roger) said...

The only problem I have with blogging when I travel for business is that I have nothing to say...

"Yesterday I met with a prospective client and told him why he should purchase our product. Then we ate a huge dinner that I'd never buy on my own and then I fell asleep at 9:00 because I was exhausted. Blah. Blah. Blah."