Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Golfish types of things. . .

1) Belle just started her second week (this summer) of golf camp. She loves it. I don't know if its the friends she makes, the cool purple golf bag, or the thrill of a great drive, but she loves it. (That's probably the correct order, by the way).

Anyhoo, she's having fun and I'm thrilled. Rumor has it that there are gobs of women's golf scholarships that go unclaimed every year. Not being ones to let anything go to waste, we're doing our part to fix that problem. Starting in 3rd grade.

2) This weekend, my family gathers here to celebrate my father and his 80th birthday. As noted previously, the actual birthday was in June. Give us a break; we must have all been born late because we sure have been ever since. A key part of the celebration will be held in 18 segments, enjoying God's creation as we were meant to (hitting tiny white sphere's into the woods while pretending to aim for a grassy flat spot faaaaaar off in the distance). I'm one of four sons. Of the four, two are tragically good at golf (way to much time on their hands, apparently); I pretend to know what I'm doing (and am amazingly enough hosting the event at "my" club); the fourth is reveling in the fact that his "new" clubs aren't the ones he bought at a garage sale 10 years ago for $12. I'll keep you posted on the results, including the number of clubs that end up in the lake.

3) While celebrating my wife's aunts birthday this weekend, I saw this sign on their game-room wall. No added commentary necessary. 'Nuff said. Enjoy.


Unknown said...

Golf camp? Can I go? Please?

Big Doofus (Roger) said...

My only issue with golf is making contact with the ball. Other than that, I'm sure I'm really good. Honestly, I just cannot make contact with the stupid ball. I suppose that's good or I'd want to spend money on it. I actually prefer disc golf--which is FREE!!!

Junosmom said...

My husband is the golfer, and feebly tries to get the rest of us to join in. I prefer sports where you hit the ball and someone else has to go chase it.