Saturday, October 20, 2007

Conversations with Prince Charming

Friday afternoon:

(knocking at my office door) "Who is it?"

the knocker: "Prince Charming."

me: "Come in."

PC: "Um, Daddy, can we go to China?"

me: "What? Oh, do you want to go get Chinese for dinner?" (and since we only go out to eat about once a month, where did that come from?)

PC: "No. Can we go to China? I want to ride an elephant."

pregnant pause. . .

For some reason, an intensive look at the globe, talks about long plane flights, and "it's on the other side of the world" didn't seem to phase him. After all, the globe sitting in my office doesn't seem that big; daddy flies on planes almost every week, so what's the big deal with that? And we drove to the "other side of town" just last weekend; what's the difference? After all, Mimi and Papa have ridden on elephants (in Thailand, by the way, not China); why can't we.

Every 4 year old should have had a chance to ride an elephant by now. By the way, his 6 year old sister feels the same way about helicopters. Surely she is the ONLY girl in town who STILL hasn't ridden on one.

They are so underpriviledged!

1 comment:

M said...

LOL - foun d you through the homeschooling carnival and am enjoying your clog. Since we also spend a significant amount of time gazing at the globe and at maps, discussing history and geography, my 5-year-old also wants to go everywhere and do everything.