Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Due to the dearth of recent blogging on my part. . .

Gosh, there really are people out there who check this blog periodically (besides my wife, that is) and have noticed the lack of activity here over the last few weeks / months. I'm touched!

As a result, I've been tagged by two of them (which may comprise 100% of the readership) in a specific effort to get me back in the swing of things.

First, The Tutor wants me to actually show a picture of my desk and describe in detail what's on it. Then, Sometimes Coherent Tim wants me to share 5 sordid facts about myself. Hmm, there may be a slight intersection between those two, so this shouldn't be too hard.

Thus, later today (afterall, there's actual work to be done first - the kind I get paid for) I'll respond to both meme's. Plus, pictures of todays surprise snow.

Noisily being quiet. . .


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